Publications Create Response Body
Response body schema for POST v1/publication
and GET v1/publications/create
One of:
Publications Create Voucher Response Body, Publications Create Vouchers Response Body
Publications Create Voucher Response Body
Response body schema for POST v1/publication
and GET v1/publications/create
All of:
- Publications Create Base Response Body
Attributes Description voucher See: Voucher
Publications Create Vouchers Response Body
Response body schema for POST v1/publication
and GET v1/publications/create
All of:
- Publications Create Base Response Body
Attributes Description vouchers array
Contains the unique voucher codes that was assigned by Voucherify.
Publications Create Base Response Body
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Unique publication ID, assigned by Voucherify. Example:pub_BbjAXnmm8e0SIm3zG8qvvFCP0KuLywtp |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by the JSON. This object stores information about the publication |
created_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the publication was created. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-09-23T09:57:00.434Z |
customer_idstring | Unique customer ID of the customer receiving the publication. Example:cust_eWgXlBBiY6THFRJwX45Iakv4 |
tracking_idstring | Customer's |
metadataobject | The metadata object stores all custom attributes assigned to the publication. A set of key/value pairs that you can attach to a publication object. It can be useful for storing additional information about the publication in a structured format. |
channelstring | How the publication was originated. It can be your own custom channel or an example value provided here. Available values:API |
source_idstring , null | The merchant's publication ID if it is different from the Voucherify publication ID. It's an optional tracking identifier of a publication. It is really useful in case of an integration between multiple systems. It can be a publication ID from a CRM system, database or 3rd-party service. |
resultstring | Status of the publication attempt. Available values:SUCCESS |
customer | See: Customer With Summary Loyalty Referrals |
vouchers_idarray | Contains the unique internal voucher ID that was assigned by Voucherify. |
This is an object representing a voucher with categories and validation rules assignments.
All of:
- Voucher Base
Attributes Description categories array
Contains details about the category.
Array of Categoryvalidation_rules_assignments See: Validation Rules Assignments List
Customer With Summary Loyalty Referrals
All of:
Customer Response Data
Attributes Description id string
The ID of an existing customer that will be linked to redemption in this request.
source_id string
A unique identifier of the customer who validates a voucher. It can be a customer ID or email from a CRM system, database, or a third-party service. If you also pass a customer ID (unique ID assigned by Voucherify), the source ID will be ignored.
summary Customer Summary loyalty Customer Loyalty referrals Customer Referrals system_metadata object
Object used to store system metadata information.
created_at string
Timestamp representing the date and time when the customer was created. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format.
updated_at string
Timestamp representing the date and time when the customer was updated. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format.
assets object
Contains information about the customer's cockpit.
Attributes Description cockpit_url string
Customer's cockpit URL address.
object string
The type of the object represented by JSON.
Available values:customer
- Customer Base
Voucher Base
Attributes | Description | ||||||||||||||||
idstring | Assigned by the Voucherify API, identifies the voucher. Example:v_mkZN9v7vjYUadXnHrMza8W5c34fE5KiV | ||||||||||||||||
codestring | A code that identifies a voucher. Pattern can use all letters of the English alphabet, Arabic numerals, and special characters. Example:WVPblOYX | ||||||||||||||||
campaignstring | A unique campaign name, identifies the voucher's parent campaign. Example:Gift Card Campaign | ||||||||||||||||
campaign_idstring | Assigned by the Voucherify API, identifies the voucher's parent campaign. Example:camp_FNYR4jhqZBM9xTptxDGgeNBV | ||||||||||||||||
categorystring | Tag defining the category that this voucher belongs to. Useful when listing vouchers using the List Vouchers endpoint. | ||||||||||||||||
category_idstring | Unique category ID assigned by Voucherify. Example:cat_0bb343dee3cdb5ec0c | ||||||||||||||||
typestring | Defines the type of the voucher. Available values:GIFT_VOUCHER , DISCOUNT_VOUCHER , LOYALTY_CARD | ||||||||||||||||
discount | See: Discount | ||||||||||||||||
giftobject | Object representing gift parameters. Child attributes are present only if
| ||||||||||||||||
loyalty_cardobject | Object representing loyalty card parameters. Child attributes are present only if
| ||||||||||||||||
start_datestring | Activation timestamp defines when the code starts to be active in ISO 8601 format. Voucher is inactive before this date. Example:2021-12-01T00:00:00.000Z | ||||||||||||||||
expiration_datestring | Expiration timestamp defines when the code expires in ISO 8601 format. Voucher is inactive after this date. Example:2021-12-31T00:00:00.000Z | ||||||||||||||||
validity_timeframe | See: Validity Timeframe | ||||||||||||||||
validity_day_of_week | See: Validity Day Of Week | ||||||||||||||||
validity_hours | See: Validity Hours | ||||||||||||||||
activeboolean , null | A flag to toggle the voucher on or off. You can disable a voucher even though it's within the active period defined by the
| ||||||||||||||||
additional_infostring | An optional field to keep any extra textual information about the code such as a code description and details. | ||||||||||||||||
metadataobject | The metadata object stores all custom attributes assigned to the code. A set of key/value pairs that you can attach to a voucher object. It can be useful for storing additional information about the voucher in a structured format. | ||||||||||||||||
assets | See: Voucher Assets | ||||||||||||||||
is_referral_codeboolean , null | Flag indicating whether this voucher is a referral code; | ||||||||||||||||
created_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the voucher was created. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2021-12-22T10:13:06.487Z | ||||||||||||||||
updated_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the voucher was last updated in ISO 8601 format. Example:2021-12-22T10:14:45.316Z | ||||||||||||||||
holder_idstring | Unique customer identifier of the redeemable holder. It equals to the customer ID assigned by Voucherify. Example:cust_eWgXlBBiY6THFRJwX45Iakv4 | ||||||||||||||||
referrer_idstring | Unique identifier of the referring person. Example:cust_Vzck5i8U3OhcEUFY6MKhN9Rv | ||||||||||||||||
objectstring | The type of the object represented by JSON. Default is | ||||||||||||||||
publishobject | Stores a summary of publication events: an event counter and endpoint to return details of each event. Publication is an assignment of a code to a customer, e.g. through a distribution.
| ||||||||||||||||
redemptionobject | Stores a summary of redemptions that have been applied to the voucher.
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Unique category ID assigned by Voucherify. |
namestring | Category name. |
hierarchyinteger | Category hierarchy. Categories with lower hierarchy are processed before categories with higher hierarchy value. |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by the JSON. This object stores information about the category. Available values:category |
created_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the category was created. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-07-14T10:45:13.156Z |
updated_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the category was updated. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-08-16T10:52:08.094Z |
Validation Rules Assignments List
Attributes | Description |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by JSON. This object stores information about validation rules assignments. Available values:list |
data_refstring | Identifies the name of the attribute that contains the array of validation rules assignments. Available values:data |
dataarray | Contains array of validation rules assignments. Array of Business Validation Rule Assignment |
totalinteger | Total number of validation rules assignments. |
Customer Summary
Attributes | Description |
redemptions | See: Customer Summary Redemptions |
orders | See: Customer Summary Orders |
Customer Loyalty
Attributes | Description | ||||||||||||
pointsinteger | Customer's loyalty points minus expired for all loyalty cards which the customer has. | ||||||||||||
referred_customersinteger | Total number of customers referred by the customer. | ||||||||||||
campaignsobject | Contains campaigns with details about point balances and how many customers were referred by the customer.
Customer Referrals
Customer Base
Attributes | Description | ||||||||||||||
namestring | Customer's first and last name. | ||||||||||||||
descriptionstring | An arbitrary string that you can attach to a customer object. | ||||||||||||||
emailstring | Customer's email address. | ||||||||||||||
phonestring | Customer's phone number. This parameter is mandatory when you try to send out codes to customers via an SMS channel. | ||||||||||||||
birthdaystring |
| ||||||||||||||
birthdatestring | Customer's birthdate; format YYYY-MM-DD. | ||||||||||||||
addressobject , null | Customer's address.
| ||||||||||||||
metadataobject | A set of custom key/value pairs that you can attach to a customer. The metadata object stores all custom attributes assigned to the customer. It can be useful for storing additional information about the customer in a structured format. This metadata can be used for validating whether the customer qualifies for a discount or it can be used in building customer segments. |
Contains information about discount.
One of:
Amount, Unit, Unit Multiple, Percent, Fixed
Validity Timeframe
Attributes | Description |
durationstring | Defines the amount of time an earning rule will be active in ISO 8601 format. For example, an earning rule with a PT1H |
intervalstring | Defines the intervening time between two time points in ISO 8601 format, expressed as a duration. For example, an earning rule with an P2D |
Validity Day Of Week
Integer array corresponding to the particular days of the week in which the voucher is valid.
Validity Hours
Attributes | Description | ||||||||
dailyarray | Defines the reccuring period(s) when the resource is active. The periods should not overlap. Array of:
Voucher Assets
Attributes | Description | ||||||
qrobject | Stores Quick Response (QR) representation of encrypted code.
| ||||||
barcodeobject | Stores barcode representation of encrypted code.
Business Validation Rule Assignment
Attributes | Description |
idstring | The unique identifier for a assignment |
rule_idstring | The unique identifier for a rule |
related_object_idstring | The unique identifier for a related object |
related_object_typestring | The type of related object |
created_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the object was created. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-03-09T11:19:04.819Z |
updated_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-03-09T11:19:04.819Z |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by JSON. Available values:validation_rules_assignment |
validation_statusstring | The validation status of the assignment Available values:VALID , PARTIALLY_VALID , INVALID |
validation_omitted_rulesarray | The list of omitted rules |
Customer Summary Redemptions
Attributes | Description | ||||||
total_redeemedinteger | Total number of redemptions made by the customer. | ||||||
total_failedinteger | Total number of redemptions that failed. | ||||||
total_succeededinteger | Total number of redemptions that succeeded. | ||||||
total_rolled_backinteger | Total number of redemptions that were rolled back for the customer. | ||||||
total_rollback_failedinteger | Total number of redemption rollbacks that failed. | ||||||
total_rollback_succeededinteger | Total number of redemption rollbacks that succeeded. | ||||||
giftobject | Summary of gift card credits.
| ||||||
loyalty_cardobject | Summary of loyalty points.
Customer Summary Orders
Attributes | Description |
total_amountinteger | The total amount spent by the customer. The value is multiplied by 100 to represent 2 decimal places. For example |
total_countinteger | Total number of orders made by the customer. |
average_amountinteger | Average amount spent on orders. |
last_order_amountinteger | Amount spent on last order. The value is multiplied by 100 to represent 2 decimal places. For example |
last_order_datestring | Timestamp representing the date and time of the customer's last order in ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-08-30T11:51:08.029Z |
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Defines the type of the voucher. Available values:AMOUNT |
amount_offnumber | Amount taken off the subtotal of a price. Value is multiplied by 100 to precisely represent 2 decimal places. For example, a $10 discount is written as 1000. |
amount_off_formulastring | |
aggregated_amount_limitinteger | Maximum discount amount per order. |
effect | Defines how the discount is applied to the customer's order. Discount Amount Vouchers Effect Types |
is_dynamicboolean | Flag indicating whether the discount was calculated using a formula. |
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Discount type. Available values:UNIT |
unit_offinteger | Number of units to be granted a full value discount. |
unit_off_formulastring | Formula used to calculate the number of units. |
effect | Defines how the unit is added to the customer's order. Discount Unit Vouchers Effect Types |
unit_typestring | The product deemed as free, chosen from product inventory (e.g. time, items). |
product | Contains information about the product. Simple Product Discount Unit |
sku | See: Simple Sku Discount Unit |
is_dynamicboolean | Flag indicating whether the discount was calculated using a formula. |
Unit Multiple
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Discount type. Available values:UNIT |
effectstring | Defines how the discount is applied to the customer's order. Available values:ADD_MANY_ITEMS |
unitsarray | Array of One Unit |
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Defines the type of the voucher. Available values:PERCENT |
percent_offnumber | The percent discount that the customer will receive. |
percent_off_formulastring | |
amount_limitnumber | Upper limit allowed to be applied as a discount. Value is multiplied by 100 to precisely represent 2 decimal places. For example, a $6 maximum discount is written as 600. |
aggregated_amount_limitinteger | Maximum discount amount per order. |
effect | Defines how the discount is applied to the customer's order. Discount Percent Vouchers Effect Types |
is_dynamicboolean | Flag indicating whether the discount was calculated using a formula. |
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Defines the type of the voucher. Available values:FIXED |
fixed_amountnumber | Sets a fixed value for an order total or the item price. The value is multiplied by 100 to precisely represent 2 decimal places. For example, a $10 discount is written as 1000. If the fixed amount is calculated by the formula, i.e. the |
fixed_amount_formulastring | |
effect | Defines how the discount is applied to the customer's order. Discount Fixed Vouchers Effect Types |
is_dynamicboolean | Flag indicating whether the discount was calculated using a formula. |
Discount Amount Vouchers Effect Types
Available values: APPLY_TO_ORDER
Discount Unit Vouchers Effect Types
Available values: ADD_MISSING_ITEMS
Simple Product Discount Unit
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Unique product ID, assigned by Voucherify. |
source_idstring | Product's source ID. |
namestring | Product name. |
Simple Sku Discount Unit
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Unique SKU ID, assigned by Voucherify. |
source_idstring | Product variant's source ID. |
namestring | Sku name |
One Unit
Attributes | Description |
unit_offnumber | Number of units to be granted a full value discount. |
unit_off_formulastring | Formula used to calculate the number of units. |
effectstring | Defines how the unit is added to the customer's order. Available values:ADD_NEW_ITEMS , ADD_MISSING_ITEMS |
unit_typestring | The product deemed as free, chosen from product inventory (e.g. time, items). |
product | Contains information about the product. Simple Product Discount Unit |
sku | Contains information about the sku. Simple Sku Discount Unit |
Discount Percent Vouchers Effect Types
Available values: APPLY_TO_ORDER
Discount Fixed Vouchers Effect Types
Available values: APPLY_TO_ORDER