List Redemptions

Returns a list of redemptions previously created. The redemptions are returned in a sorted order, with the most recent redemptions appearing first. The response returns a list of redemptions of all vouchers.

Filtering results

The result can be narrowed according to specified (or default) filters, for example, you can sort redemptions by date:[created_at][before]=2017-09-08T13:52:18.227Z. A filter based on the object created_at field narrows down the results and lists redemptions done before or after a particular date time. You can use the following options: [created_at][after], [created_at][before]. A date value must be presented in ISO 8601 format (2016-11-16T14:14:31Z or 2016-11-16). An example: [created_at][before]=2017-09-08T13:52:18.227Z.

Failed Redemptions

A redemption may fail for various reasons. You can figure out an exact reason from the failure_code:

  • resource_not_found - voucher with given code does not exist
  • voucher_not_active - voucher is not active yet (before start date)
  • voucher_expired - voucher has already expired (after expiration date)
  • voucher_disabled - voucher has been disabled (active: false)
  • quantity_exceeded - voucher's redemptions limit has been exceeded
  • gift_amount_exceeded - gift amount has been exceeded
  • customer_rules_violated - customer did not match the segment
  • order_rules_violated - order did not match validation rules
  • invalid_order - order was specified incorrectly
  • invalid_amount - order amount was specified incorrectly
  • missing_amount - order amount was not specified
  • missing_order_items - order items were not specified
  • missing_customer - customer was not specified
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