Rollback Failed


The EVENTS.REDEMPTION.ROLLBACK.FAILED event indicates that a redemption was unsuccessfully reverted.

This occurs when the system encounters difficulties in rolling back a previously redeemed voucher code or promotional tier. The main reasons are that a rollback was applied to a redemption created more than 3 months ago or an attempt was made to rollback a redemption that had been rolled back already.


Webhook documentation

This page documents only the event. If you need more details about the webhook payload data that includes this event, go to Webhook v2024-01-01 page.

Example: rollback.failed

  "order": null,
  "holder": null,
  "voucher": {
    "id": "v_7JItZDjNzMjqSw0BZoxNEMBfdHHB9EHf",
    "code": "Refer-gift-90873378",
    "type": "DISCOUNT_VOUCHER",
    "active": true,
    "object": "voucher",
    "campaign": "Refer-gift",
    "discount": {
      "type": "AMOUNT",
      "amount_off": 0
    "created_at": "2024-02-01T08:44:37.539Z",
    "redemption": {
      "quantity": null,
      "redeemed_quantity": 0
    "updated_at": "2024-02-01T10:23:52.490Z",
    "campaign_id": "camp_QULf1Wzu4yvT3cJ3IzFp76nY",
    "category_id": null,
    "is_referral_code": true
  "campaign": {
    "id": "camp_QULf1Wzu4yvT3cJ3IzFp76nY",
    "name": "Refer-gift",
    "type": "AUTO_UPDATE",
    "active": true,
    "object": "campaign",
    "voucher": {
      "gift": null,
      "type": "DISCOUNT_VOUCHER",
      "discount": {
        "type": "AMOUNT",
        "units": null,
        "amount_off": 0
      "redemption": {
        "quantity": null,
        "redeemed_quantity": 0
      "code_config": {
        "length": 8,
        "prefix": "Refer-gift-",
        "charset": "0123456789",
        "pattern": "########",
        "postfix": ""
      "loyalty_card": null
    "auto_join": false,
    "join_once": false,
    "created_at": "2024-02-01T08:44:36.722Z",
    "category_id": null,
    "campaign_type": "REFERRAL_PROGRAM",
    "is_referral_code": true,
    "referral_program": {
      "custom_event": {
        "id": "ms_f1r5Tcu5T0m3v3nT5ch3ma",
        "name": "sign_up"
      "referee_reward": {
        "type": "GIFT_VOUCHER",
        "amount": 300,
        "related_object_parent": {
          "id": "camp_bfrwAVsP6Q1EM1ZjgHwheKYr",
          "name": "Gift programme",
          "object": "CAMPAIGN"
      "conversion_event_type": "custom_event"
  "customer": {
    "id": "cust_IdgAFZxYwwHctOk9pPuMu308",
    "object": "customer",
    "metadata": {
      "region": "EMEA",
      "sign-up": "true"
    "source_id": "jck-wbhk"
  "redemption": {
    "id": "r_0e3ab1f3fb99fee4b9",
    "date": "2024-02-01T08:45:32.014Z",
    "order": {
      "id": "ord_OPBS4bwowjzQ3odiMNk09WPL",
      "items": [],
      "object": "order",
      "status": "PAID",
      "metadata": {},
      "source_id": null,
      "created_at": "2024-02-01T08:45:31.967Z",
      "customer_id": "cust_IdgAFZxYwwHctOk9pPuMu308",
      "referrer_id": null
    "object": "redemption",
    "result": "SUCCESS",
    "status": "ROLLED_BACK",
    "voucher": {
      "id": "v_7JItZDjNzMjqSw0BZoxNEMBfdHHB9EHf",
      "code": "Refer-gift-90873378",
      "active": null,
      "object": "voucher",
      "campaign": "Refer-gift",
      "campaign_id": "camp_QULf1Wzu4yvT3cJ3IzFp76nY"
    "customer": {
      "id": "cust_IdgAFZxYwwHctOk9pPuMu308",
      "name": "Jack Webhook",
      "email": null,
      "object": "customer",
      "metadata": {
        "region": "EMEA"
      "source_id": "jck-wbhk"
    "metadata": {},
    "customer_id": "cust_IdgAFZxYwwHctOk9pPuMu308",
    "tracking_id": "track_8RFQINPxgc+pykybVOUEXQ=="
  "promotion_tier": null,
  "redemption_rollback": {
    "id": "rrf_0e3ac8beeea431c302",
    "date": "2024-02-01T10:25:07.002Z",
    "object": "redemption_rollback",
    "result": "FAILURE",
    "status": "FAILED",
    "voucher": {
      "id": "v_7JItZDjNzMjqSw0BZoxNEMBfdHHB9EHf",
      "code": "Refer-gift-90873378",
      "type": "DISCOUNT_VOUCHER",
      "active": true,
      "object": "voucher",
      "campaign": "Refer-gift",
      "discount": {
        "type": "AMOUNT",
        "amount_off": 0
      "created_at": "2024-02-01T08:44:37.539Z",
      "redemption": {
        "quantity": null,
        "redeemed_quantity": 0
      "updated_at": "2024-02-01T10:23:52.490Z",
      "campaign_id": "camp_QULf1Wzu4yvT3cJ3IzFp76nY",
      "category_id": null,
      "is_referral_code": true
    "customer": {
      "id": "cust_IdgAFZxYwwHctOk9pPuMu308",
      "object": "customer",
      "metadata": {
        "region": "EMEA",
        "sign-up": "true"
      "source_id": "jck-wbhk"
    "metadata": null,
    "redemption": "r_0e3ab1f3fb99fee4b9",
    "customer_id": "cust_IdgAFZxYwwHctOk9pPuMu308",
    "tracking_id": "track_8RFQINPxgc+pykybVOUEXQ==",
    "failure_code": "already_rolled_back",
    "failure_message": "Already rolled back"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!