Loyalty Campaign Object
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Unique campaign ID, assigned by Voucherify. Example:camp_f7fBbQxUuTN7dI7tGOo5XMDA |
namestring | Loyalty campaign name. |
campaign_typestring | Type of campaign. Available values:LOYALTY_PROGRAM |
typestring | Defines whether the campaign can be updated with new vouchers after campaign creation.
voucher | See: Loyalty Card |
auto_joinboolean | Indicates whether customers will be able to auto-join a loyalty campaign if any earning rule is fulfilled. |
join_onceboolean | If this value is set to |
use_voucher_metadata_schemaboolean | Flag indicating whether the campaign is to use the voucher's metadata schema instead of the campaign metadata schema. |
start_datestring | Activation timestamp defines when the campaign starts to be active in ISO 8601 format. Campaign is inactive before this date. Example:2022-09-20T00:00:00.000Z |
expiration_datestring | Expiration timestamp defines when the campaign expires in ISO 8601 format. Campaign is inactive after this date. Example:2022-09-30T00:00:00.000Z |
validity_timeframe | See: Validity Timeframe |
validity_day_of_week | See: Validity Day Of Week |
validity_hours | See: Validity Hours |
activity_duration_after_publishingstring | Defines the amount of time the vouchers will be active after publishing. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. For example, a voucher with the value of P24D will be valid for a duration of 24 days. |
descriptionstring | An optional field to keep any extra textual information about the campaign such as a campaign description and details. |
vouchers_countinteger | Total number of unique vouchers in campaign. |
activeboolean | A flag to toggle the campaign on or off. You can disable a campaign even though it's within the active period defined by the
metadataobject | The metadata object stores all custom attributes assigned to the campaign. A set of key/value pairs that you can attach to a campaign object. It can be useful for storing additional information about the campaign in a structured format. |
created_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the campaign was created. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2021-12-01T08:00:50.038Z |
updated_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the voucher was updated. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-09-20T09:18:19.623Z |
creation_statusstring | Indicates the status of the campaign creation. Available values:DONE , IN_PROGRESS , FAILED , DRAFT , MODIFYING |
vouchers_generation_statusstring | Indicates the status of the campaign's vouchers. Available values:DONE , IN_PROGRESS , FAILED , DRAFT |
protectedboolean | Indicates whether the resource can be deleted. |
access_settings_assignments | See: Access Settings Campaign Assignments List |
category_idstring | Unique category ID that this campaign belongs to. Example:cat_0b688929a2476386a7 |
categories | See: Category |
loyalty_tiers_expirationobject | Defines the expiration mechanism for loyalty tiers. One of: Balance, Points in Period |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by JSON. This object stores information about the campaign. |
Loyalty Card
Attributes | Description | ||||||||||||||
typestring | Type of voucher. | ||||||||||||||
loyalty_cardobject | Defines the loyalty card details.
| ||||||||||||||
redemptionobject | Defines the redemption limits on vouchers.
| ||||||||||||||
code_configobject | Defines code's pattern (prefix, suffix, length, charset, etc).
| ||||||||||||||
is_referral_codeboolean | Flag indicating whether this voucher is a referral code; |
Validity Timeframe
Attributes | Description |
durationstring | Defines the amount of time an earning rule will be active in ISO 8601 format. For example, an earning rule with a PT1H |
intervalstring | Defines the intervening time between two time points in ISO 8601 format, expressed as a duration. For example, an earning rule with an P2D |
Validity Day Of Week
Integer array corresponding to the particular days of the week in which the voucher is valid.
Validity Hours
Attributes | Description | ||||||||
dailyarray | Defines the reccuring period(s) when the resource is active. The periods should not overlap. Array of:
Access Settings Campaign Assignments List
Attributes | Description |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by JSON. Default is list |
data_refstring | Identifies the name of the attribute that contains the array of campaign assignments. Available values:data |
dataarray | Contains an array of campaign assignments. Array of Areas and Stores Campain Assignment |
totalinteger | Total number of areas and stores to which the campaign is assigned. |
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Unique category ID assigned by Voucherify. |
namestring | Category name. |
hierarchyinteger | Category hierarchy. |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by the JSON. This object stores information about the category. Available values:category |
created_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the category was created. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-07-14T10:45:13.156Z |
updated_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the category was updated. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-08-16T10:52:08.094Z |
stacking_rules_typestring | The type of the stacking rule eligibility. Available values:JOINT , EXCLUSIVE |
Attributes | Description | ||||
qualification_typestring | Tier qualification.
BALANCE | ||||
start_dateobject | Defines the conditions for the start date of the tier.
| ||||
expiration_date | Defines the conditions for the expiration date of a tier. One of: Balance Drop, Custom |
Points in Period
Attributes | Description | ||||||||||
qualification_typestring | Tier qualification.
POINTS_IN_PERIOD | ||||||||||
qualification_periodstring | Customers can qualify for the tier if they collected enough points in a given time period. So, in addition to the customer having to reach a points range, they also need to have collected the points within a set time period.
start_dateobject | Defines the conditions for the start date of the tier.
| ||||||||||
expiration_dateobject | Defines the conditions for the expiration date of a tier.
Areas and Stores Campain Assignment
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Unique identifier of the campaign assignment. Example:arsca_0ef5ee192117ae2416 |
area_idstring | Unique identifier of the area to which the campaign is assigned. Example:ar_0ea6cd7b781b8f857f |
area_store_idstring | Unique identifier of the store to which the campaign is assigned. Example:ars_0ec347e2016bed85f4 |
created_atstring | Date and time when the assignment was made. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2024-06-25T19:04:16.260Z |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by JSON. This object stores information about the campaign assignment to areas or stores. Available values:area_store_campaign_assignment |
Balance Drop
Attributes | Description |
typestring | What triggers the tier to expire for a customer. BALANCE_DROP |
Attributes | Description |
typestring | What triggers the tier to expire for a customer. CUSTOM |
extendstring | Defines the amount of time the tier will remain active in ISO 8601 format. The expiration date counter starts at the moment when the customer reaches the minimum required points that are required to be in the tier. For example, a tier with a duration of P3M will be valid for a duration of 3 months. |
rounding | Defines the rounding mechanism for tier expiration. One of: Calendar Periods, Specific Month |
Calendar Periods
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Period to which the expiration will be rounded to.
strategystring | Which portion of the given period should the rounding be applied to. Available values:END |
Specific Month
Attributes | Description |
typestring | This mechanism describes a custom rounding for the expiration date. Available values:CUSTOM |
strategystring | Which portion of the given period should the rounding be applied to. Available values:END |
unitstring | Defines the type of unit of time in which the rounding period is counted. Available values:MONTH |
valueinteger | Value for the unit of time that the rounding applies to. Units for this parameter are defined by the