Import Products using CSV

Import products into the repository using a CSV file.

Curl Example

curl -X POST \ \
  -F file=@/path/to/products.csv \
  -H "X-App-Id: c70a6f00-cf91-4756-9df5-47628850002b" \
  -H "X-App-Token: 3266b9f8-e246-4f79-bdf0-833929b1380c"

The CSV file has to include headers in the first line.


Standard product fields mapping

  • Create a comma separated value (CSV) file or download our CSV import template. You can find an example template here.
  • Supported CSV file headers: name,source_id,price,attributes,image_url,Metadata_property_name
  • Name is a required field. The remaining fields in the CSV template are optional.
  • Override/Update products' names in Voucherify using this method. Data will be updated for each product included in the CSV file whose source_id matches a source ID in Voucherify. No other data can be updated other than the product name.
  • Note that dates and date-time attributes need to be provided in compliance with the ISO 8601 norms. For example, 2022-03-11T09:00:00.000Z or 2022-03-11
    • YYYY-MM-DD
    • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm
    • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss
    • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ
    • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ
    • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
  • Columns that cannot be mapped to standard fields, will be mapped to Custom attributes and added as products' metadata. There is no limit on the number of custom attributes that you can import as metadata.
  • To provide the proper data type, you need to add all custom attributes to the metadata schema before importing the file. Read more here.
  • Product attributes (not custom attributes) need to be separated by a comma and enclosed in double quotes, i.e "attribute1,attribute2".
  • Headers with metadata names can't contain white-space characters.
  • If you import metadata defined in the schema as arrays (multiple), you need to separate each value using a comma, for example:
    • array of strings: "subscribed,premium"
    • array of numbers: "123,234".
    • array of dates: "2000-01-01,2000-01-02"

This API request starts a process that affects Voucherify data in bulk.

In case of small jobs (like bulk update) the request is put into a queue and processed once every other bulk request placed in the queue prior to this request is finished. However, when the job takes a longer time (like vouchers generation) then it is processed in small portions in a round-robin fashion. When there is a list of vouchers generation scheduled, then they will all have the IN_PROGRESS status shortly. This way, small jobs added just after scheduling big jobs of the same type will be processed in a short time window.

The result will return the async ID. You can verify the status of your request via this API request.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!