Promotion_tier updated

HTTP method: POST

The EVENTS.CAMPAIGN.PROMOTION_TIER.UPDATED event indicates that the promotion tier was updated.


Webhook documentation

This page documents only the event. If you need more details about the webhook payload data that includes this event, go to Webhook v2024-01-01 page.

Example: campaign.promotion tier.updated

{ "campaign": { "id": "camp_RY00xpbAEXXGQszBDFve6hAP", "name": "Promo tier", "campaign_type": "PROMOTION", "type": "STATIC", "is_referral_code": false, "auto_join": false, "join_once": false, "active": true, "category_id": null, "category": null, "metadata": {}, "start_date": null, "expiration_date": null, "description": null, "created_at": "2024-05-22T11:53:41.984Z", "object": "campaign" }, "promotion_tier": { "id": "promo_ngk5uklWrv3rEzatxoJmE36d", "created_at": "2024-05-22T11:53:42.153Z", "updated_at": "2024-05-22T15:32:16.659Z", "name": "Webhook tier", "banner": null, "action": { "discount": { "type": "AMOUNT", "amount_off": 2000, "effect": "APPLY_TO_ORDER" } }, "metadata": {}, "hierarchy": 1, "campaign": { "id": "camp_RY00xpbAEXXGQszBDFve6hAP", "start_date": null, "expiration_date": null, "active": true, "object": "campaign" }, "campaign_id": "camp_RY00xpbAEXXGQszBDFve6hAP", "active": true, "summary": { "redemptions": { "total_redeemed": 0 }, "orders": { "total_amount": 0, "total_discount_amount": 0 } }, "object": "promotion_tier", "validation_rule_assignments": null, "category_id": "cat_0d8549688e92d8e643", "categories": [] } }

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