Create Export

Create export object. The export can be any of the following types: voucher, redemption, publication, customer, order, points_expiration, or voucher_transactions.


If you only specify the object type in the request body without specifying the fields, the API will return the following fields per export object:

Export ObjectDefault fields returned
orderid, source_id, status
vouchercode, voucher_type, value, discount_type
publicationcode, customer_id, date, channel
redemptionid, object, voucher_code, customer_id, date, result
customername, source_id
points_expirationid, campaign_id, voucher_id, status, expires_at, points
voucher_transactionsid, type, source_id, status, reason, source, balance, amount, created_at

Fetching particular data sets

Using the parameters body parameter, you can narrow down which fields to export and how to filter the results. The fields are an array of strings containing the data that you would like to export. These fields define the headers in the CSV file. The array can be a combination of any of the following available fields:


FieldDefinitionExample Export
idUnique order ID.ord_A69RIxEdRsPuC6i8gFGVHUft
source_idUnique order source ID.8638
created_atTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time when the order was created.2022-03-09T09:16:32.521Z
updated_atTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time when the order was last updated.2022-03-09T09:16:33.331Z
amountTotal amount of order items.7700
discount_amountRepresents total amount of the discount applied to whole cart.500
items_discount_amountRepresents total amount of the discount applied to order line items.100
total_discount_amountAll discounts applied to the order including discounts applied to particular order line items and discounts applied to the whole cart.600
total_amountTotal order amount after applying all discounts.7100
customer_idCustomer unique ID.cust_2G4fUQdCXUqp35nXNleav7bO
referrer_idReferrer unique ID.cust_IkrTR674vvQvr9a4rDMiqglY
metadataOrder metadata; expressed as metadata.X, where X is the name of the custom metadata property.1


FieldDefinitionExample Export
idUnique voucher ID.v_HSnGD2vNIHYighTQxwcB4dtVAv8VOmZD
codeUnique voucher code.WELCOME100
valueValue of voucher.DISCOUNT_VOUCHER : amount, percent, unit
GIFT_VOUCHER: amount left to spend
LOYALTY_CARD: available usable points
discount_typeThe type of discount for a DISCOUNT_VOUCHER.AMOUNT, PERCENT, UNIT, FIXED
campaignUnique campaign name.Summer Discounts 20% off
categoryTag defining the category that this voucher belongs to.
start_dateStart date defines when the code starts to be active. Activation timestamp is presented in the ISO 8601 format. Voucher is inactive before this date.2020-12-10T23:00:00.000Z
expiration_dateExpiration date defines when the code expires. Expiration timestamp is presented in the ISO 8601 format. Voucher is inactive after this date.2023-12-31T23:00:00.000Z
gift_balanceAmount left to spend.1000
loyalty_balanceAvailable usable points.2000
redemption_quantityMaximum number of times a voucher can be redeemed.2
redemption_countTotal redemptions.59
activeBoolean indicating whether the voucher is available for use.true, false
qr_codeURL to QR representation of encrypted code.
bar_codeURL to barcode representation of encrypted code.
metadataCustom voucher metadata.
is_referral_codeBoolean indicating whether the voucher is a referral code.true, false
created_atTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time when the voucher was created.2022-04-14T09:55:46.814Z
updated_atTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time when the voucher was last updated.2022-04-14T10:02:18.036Z
validity_timeframe_intervalDefines the intervening time between two time points in ISO 8601 format, expressed as a duration. For example, a voucher with an interval of P2D will be active every other day.P2D
validity_timeframe_durationDefines the amount of time the voucher will be active in ISO 8601 format. For example, a voucher with a duration of PT1H will be valid for a duration of one hour.PT1H
validity_day_of_weekArray corresponding to the particular days of the week in which the voucher is valid."1,2,3,4,5"
discount_amount_limitFor PERCENT discount type, this is the maximum threshold allowed to be deducted.50
campaign_idParent campaign ID.camp_7s3uXI44aKfIk5IhmeOPr6ic
additional_infoAn optional field to keep any extra textual information about the code such as a code description and details.
customer_idUnique customer ID of the assigned owner to whom the voucher was published.cust_7iUa6ICKyU6gH40dBU25kQU1
discount_unit_typeFor UNIT discount type, either a shipping or product ID for a UNIT discount with one product.prod_5h1pp1ng, prod_0a9f9aeddb019a42db
discount_unit_effectUNIT discount effect.ADD_MANY_ITEMS, ADD_MISSING_ITEMS,ADD_NEW_ITEMS
customer_source_idUnique customer source id of the assigned owner to whom the voucher was


FieldDefinitionExample Export
voucher_codeUnique voucher code.WELCOME100
customer_idCustomer unique ID.cust_7iUa6ICKyU6gH40dBU25kQU1
customer_source_idUnique customer source id of the assigned owner to whom the voucher was
dateTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time when the voucher was published.2022-04-28T10:19:30.792Z
channelPublication channel.voucherify-website
campaignUnique campaign name.Summer Discounts 20% off
metadataCustom publication metadata.


FieldDefinitionExample Export
idUnique redemption ID.r_0acf3a6dae00e679c8, rf_0acf3a495740e679b8
objectObject being exported; by default redemption.redemption
dateTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time when the voucher was redeemed.2022-03-23T08:52:24.867Z
voucher_codeUnique voucher code redeemed.WELCOME100
campaignParent campaign name of voucher if applicable.Summer Discounts 20% off
customer_idUnique customer ID of redeeming customer.cust_nk0N1uNQ1YnupAoJGOgvsODC
customer_source_idUnique source ID of redeeming
customer_nameCustomer name.John Smith
order_amountTotal order amount before applying all discounts.1000
gift_amountGift credits used for redemption.10
resultTells you whether the redemption succeeded.SUCCESS, FAILURE
failure_codeInternal Voucherify code for reason why redemption failed.invalid_customer
failure_messageA human-readable message providing a short description explaining why the redemption failed.Customer must be a holder of a loyalty card.
metadataCustom redemption metadata.


FieldDefinitionExample Export
nameCustomer name.John Smith
idUnique customer ID.cust_J1CDUdbqn5Exva8ASWk1Fq0j
descriptionAn arbitrary string that you can attach to a customer object.Customer requesting to be added to VIP tier.
source_idUnique custom customer
created_atTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time when the customer was created.2022-02-03T13:10:11.928Z
address_line_1First line of customer's address.72738 Main St
address_line_2Second line of customer's address.Bld 2, Apt 4
address_countryCountryUnited States of America
address_postal_codePostal code (ZIP code)77042-4143
redemptions_total_redeemedTotal customer redemptions.5
redemptions_total_failedTotal customer failed redemptions.2
redemptions_total_succeededTotal customer succeeded redemptions.3
redemptions_total_rolled_backTotal customer redemptions that were rolled back.3
redemptions_total_rollback_failedTotal customer redemptions that were unsuccessfully rolled back.2
redemptions_total_rollback_succeededTotal customer redemptions that were successfully rolled back.1
orders_total_amountTotal sum of order amounts over customer lifetime. Value is multiplied by 100 to precisely represent 2 decimal places.10000 (represents $100)
orders_total_countTotal number of customer orders.2
orders_average_amountAverage amount spent on orders. Value is multiplied by 100 to precisely represent 2 decimal places.5000 (represents $50)
orders_last_order_amountHow much did the customer spend on their last order. Value is multiplied by 100 to precisely represent 2 decimal places.5000 (represents $50)
orders_last_order_dateWhen was the last customer order; timestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time.2022-02-03T13:17:30.630Z
loyalty_pointsSum of customer's loyalty points to go across all loyalty cards.2000
loyalty_referred_customersHow many customers were referred by this customer.3
updated_atTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time when the customer was updated.2022-02-14T14:10:14.305Z
phoneCustomer's phone number.+1 (294) 752-1846
birthdayDeprecated. Customer's birthday.2022-01-01
metadataCustomer metadata.All metadata fields defined in Metadata Schema for the Customer object.
birthdateCustomer's birthdate.2022-01-01

Points Expirations

FieldDefinitionExample Export
idLoyalty points bucket ID.lopb_Wl1o3EjJIHSNjvO5BDLy4z1n
campaign_idCampaign ID of the parent loyalty campaign.camp_7s3uXI44aKfIk5IhmeOPr6ic
voucher_idVoucher ID of the parent loyalty card.v_YLn0WVWXSXbUfDvxgrgUbtfJ3SQIY655
statusStatus of the loyalty points bucket.ACTIVE or INACTIVE
expires_atTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date when the points expire.2022-06-30
pointsNumber of points.1000

Gift Card Transactions

FieldDefinitionExample Export
idUnique transaction ID.vtx_0cb7811f1c07765800
typeTransaction type.- CREDITS_REMOVAL
source_idUnique transaction source ID.8638
reasonContains the reason for the transaction if one was included originally.
balanceThe gift card or loyalty card balance after the transaction.
amountThe amount of gift card or loyalty card credits being allocated during the transaction. This value can either be negative or positive depending on the nature of the transaction.
created_atTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time when the transaction was created.2022-03-09T09:16:32.521Z
voucher_idUnique Voucher ID.v_dky7ksKfPX50Wb2Bxvcoeb1xT20b6tcp
campaign_idParent campaign ID.camp_FNYR4jhqZBM9xTptxDGgeNBV
sourceChannel through which the transaction was initiated.API
detailsMore detailed information stored in the form of a JSON.Provides more details related to the transaction in the form of an object.

Loyalty Card Transactions

FieldDefinitionExample Export
idUnique transaction ID assigned by Voucherify.vtx_0cb7811f1c07765800
typeTransaction type.- POINTS_EXPIRATION
source_idCustom source ID of the transaction if one was included originally.source_id_custom
reasonContains the reason for the transaction if one was included originally.
balanceThe loyalty card balance after the transaction.
amountThe amount of loyalty points being allocated during the transaction. This value can either be negative or positive depending on the nature of the transaction.
created_atTimestamp in ISO 8601 format representing the date and time when the transaction was created.2022-03-09T09:16:32.521Z
voucher_idUnique Voucher ID.v_dky7ksKfPX50Wb2Bxvcoeb1xT20b6tcp
campaign_idParent campaign ID.camp_FNYR4jhqZBM9xTptxDGgeNBV
sourceChannel through which the transaction was initiated.- API
- voucherify-web-ui
- Automation
detailsMore detailed information stored in the form of a JSON.Provides more details related to the transaction in the form of an object.
related_transaction_idUnique transaction ID related to a receiver/donor card in the case of a points transfer from/to another card.vtx_0c9afe802593b34b80
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