Promotion Tier
Attributes | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
idstring | Unique promotion tier ID. Example:promo_63fYCt81Aw0h7lzyRkrGZh9p | ||||||||||||||||||||
created_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the promotion tier was created. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2021-12-15T11:34:01.333Z | ||||||||||||||||||||
updated_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the promotion tier was updated. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-02-09T09:20:05.603Z | ||||||||||||||||||||
namestring | Name of the promotion tier. | ||||||||||||||||||||
bannerstring | Text to be displayed to your customers on your website. | ||||||||||||||||||||
actionobject | Contains details about the discount applied by the promotion tier.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
metadataobject | The metadata object stores all custom attributes assigned to the promotion tier. A set of key/value pairs that you can attach to a promotion tier object. It can be useful for storing additional information about the promotion tier in a structured format. | ||||||||||||||||||||
hierarchyinteger | The promotions hierarchy defines the order in which the discounts from different tiers will be applied to a customer's order. If a customer qualifies for discounts from more than one tier, discounts will be applied in the order defined in the hierarchy. | ||||||||||||||||||||
promotion_idstring | Promotion unique ID. | ||||||||||||||||||||
campaignobject | Contains details about promotion tier's parent campaign.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
campaign_idstring | Promotion tier's parent campaign's unique ID. | ||||||||||||||||||||
activeboolean | A flag to toggle the promotion tier on or off. You can disable a promotion tier even though it's within the active period defined by the
| ||||||||||||||||||||
start_datestring | Activation timestamp defines when the promotion tier starts to be active in ISO 8601 format. Promotion tier is inactive before this date. Example:2022-09-23T00:00:00.000Z | ||||||||||||||||||||
expiration_datestring | Activation timestamp defines when the promotion tier expires in ISO 8601 format. Promotion tier is inactive after this date. Example:2022-09-26T00:00:00.000Z | ||||||||||||||||||||
validity_timeframe | See: Validity Timeframe | ||||||||||||||||||||
validity_day_of_week | See: Validity Day Of Week | ||||||||||||||||||||
validity_hours | See: Validity Hours | ||||||||||||||||||||
summaryobject | Contains statistics about promotion tier redemptions and orders.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
objectstring | The type of the object represented by JSON. This object stores information about the promotion tier. | ||||||||||||||||||||
validation_rule_assignments | See: Validation Rule Assignments List | ||||||||||||||||||||
category_idstring | Promotion tier category ID. Example:cat_0c9da30e7116ba6bba | ||||||||||||||||||||
categoriesarray | Array of Category |
Contains information about discount.
One of:
Amount, Unit, Unit Multiple, Percent, Fixed
Validity Timeframe
Attributes | Description |
durationstring | Defines the amount of time an earning rule will be active in ISO 8601 format. For example, an earning rule with a PT1H |
intervalstring | Defines the intervening time between two time points in ISO 8601 format, expressed as a duration. For example, an earning rule with an P2D |
Validity Day Of Week
Integer array corresponding to the particular days of the week in which the voucher is valid.
Validity Hours
Attributes | Description | ||||||||
dailyarray | Defines the reccuring period(s) when the resource is active. The periods should not overlap. Array of:
Validation Rule Assignments List
Attributes | Description |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by JSON. This object stores information about validation rule assignments. |
data_refstring | Identifies the name of the JSON property that contains the array of validation rule assignments. |
dataarray | A dictionary that contains an array of validation rule assignments. Array of Validation Rule Assignment |
totalinteger | Total number of validation rule assignments. |
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Unique category ID assigned by Voucherify. |
namestring | Category name. |
hierarchyinteger | Category hierarchy. |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by the JSON. This object stores information about the category. Available values:category |
created_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the category was created. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-07-14T10:45:13.156Z |
updated_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the category was updated. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-08-16T10:52:08.094Z |
stacking_rules_typestring | The type of the stacking rule eligibility. Available values:JOINT , EXCLUSIVE |
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Defines the type of the voucher. Available values:AMOUNT |
amount_offnumber | Amount taken off the subtotal of a price. Value is multiplied by 100 to precisely represent 2 decimal places. For example, a $10 discount is written as 1000. |
amount_off_formulastring | |
aggregated_amount_limitinteger | Maximum discount amount per order. |
effect | Defines how the discount is applied to the customer's order. Discount Amount Vouchers Effect Types |
is_dynamicboolean | Flag indicating whether the discount was calculated using a formula. |
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Discount type. Available values:UNIT |
unit_offinteger | Number of units to be granted a full value discount. |
unit_off_formulastring | |
effect | Defines how the unit is added to the customer's order. Discount Unit Vouchers Effect Types |
unit_typestring | The product deemed as free, chosen from product inventory (e.g. time, items). |
product | Contains information about the product. Simple Product Discount Unit |
sku | See: Simple Sku Discount Unit |
is_dynamicboolean | Flag indicating whether the discount was calculated using a formula. |
Unit Multiple
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Discount type. Available values:UNIT |
effectstring | Defines how the discount is applied to the customer's order. Available values:ADD_MANY_ITEMS |
unitsarray | Array of One Unit |
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Defines the type of the voucher. Available values:PERCENT |
percent_offnumber | The percent discount that the customer will receive. |
percent_off_formulastring | |
amount_limitnumber | Upper limit allowed to be applied as a discount. Value is multiplied by 100 to precisely represent 2 decimal places. For example, a $6 maximum discount is written as 600. |
aggregated_amount_limitinteger | Maximum discount amount per order. |
effect | Defines how the discount is applied to the customer's order. Discount Percent Vouchers Effect Types |
is_dynamicboolean | Flag indicating whether the discount was calculated using a formula. |
Attributes | Description |
typestring | Defines the type of the voucher. Available values:FIXED |
fixed_amountnumber | Sets a fixed value for an order total or the item price. The value is multiplied by 100 to precisely represent 2 decimal places. For example, a $10 discount is written as 1000. If the fixed amount is calculated by the formula, i.e. the |
fixed_amount_formulastring | |
effect | Defines how the discount is applied to the customer's order. Discount Fixed Vouchers Effect Types |
is_dynamicboolean | Flag indicating whether the discount was calculated using a formula. |
Validation Rule Assignment
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Validation rule assignment ID. Example:asgm_74F7QZoYbUoljwQO |
rule_idstring | Validation rule ID. Example:val_4j7DCRm2IS59 |
related_object_idstring | The resource ID to which the validation rule was assigned. Example:v_JtWunK6jUo7X2qOFj0SyRHq4p9tgENlT |
related_object_typestring | The type of resource to which the validation rule was assigned. Available values:voucher , campaign , earning_rule , reward_assignment , promotion_tier , distribution |
created_atstring | Timestamp representing the date and time when the validation rule assignment was created. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. Example:2022-02-17T08:18:15.085Z |
objectstring | The type of the object represented by the ID. Available values:validation_rules_assignment |
Discount Amount Vouchers Effect Types
Available values: APPLY_TO_ORDER
Discount Unit Vouchers Effect Types
Available values: ADD_MISSING_ITEMS
Simple Product Discount Unit
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Unique product ID, assigned by Voucherify. |
source_idstring | Product's source ID. |
namestring | Product name. |
Simple Sku Discount Unit
Attributes | Description |
idstring | Unique SKU ID, assigned by Voucherify. |
source_idstring | Product variant's source ID. |
namestring | Sku name |
One Unit
Attributes | Description |
unit_offnumber | Number of units to be granted a full value discount. |
unit_off_formulastring | |
effectstring | Defines how the unit is added to the customer's order. Available values:ADD_NEW_ITEMS , ADD_MISSING_ITEMS |
unit_typestring | The product deemed as free, chosen from product inventory (e.g. time, items). |
product | Contains information about the product. Simple Product Discount Unit |
sku | Contains information about the sku. Simple Sku Discount Unit |
Discount Percent Vouchers Effect Types
Available values: APPLY_TO_ORDER
Discount Fixed Vouchers Effect Types
Available values: APPLY_TO_ORDER