Delete Metadata Schema

Deletes permanently the metadata schema.

In standard metadata schemas, this endpoint removes permanently all definitions. The standard metadata schemas are:

  • Campaign
  • Voucher
  • Publication
  • Redemption
  • Product
  • Customer
  • Order
  • Order line item
  • Loyalty Tier
  • Promotion Tier
  • Earning rule
  • Reward

If you want to delete only one definition, use the Update Metadata Schema endpoint. In the request, provide the "deleted": true pair in the definition object. This definition will be moved to Removed definitions.

If you want to create a new standard metadata schema, use the Create Metadata Schema endpoint.


Metadata Purging

This endpoint deletes permanently the metadata schemas only. However, it does not purge the metadata from associated entities, so the metadata added to those entities will remain.

If you want to purge metadata from the entities:

  1. Remove all the definitions you want to purge. You can do this either in Voucherify Project Settings > Metadata Schema tab or with the Update Metadata Schema endpoint.
  2. In Voucherify Project Settings > Metadata Schema tab, go to the relevant metadata schema.
  3. In Removed definitions, click the bin button next to the definitions whose metadata you want to purge from entities.
  • This is an asynchronous action. You will be notified when it has been completed.
  • You cannot purge metadata for the Redemption and Publication schemas.
  1. Use the Delete Metadata Schema request to delete the metadata schema from Voucherify.


Metadata Documentation

Read the Getting Started with Metadata and Metadata Mapping articles to learn how metadata work in Voucherify.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!