Here are some exemplary integrations and third-party guides for you to learn more about Voucherify.
Sample workflows
Sample integrations build by our team
🧑💻Voucherify integrated with the checkout view
- Node.js, Vanilla JS — Github | Replit
- Next.js, TypeScript — Github | [Replit] (https://replit.com/@Voucherify/Voucherify-Starter-UI-with-NEXTjs-and-Typescript)
🧑💻 Voucherify x commercetools integration based on Sunrise SPA (Vue.js) frontend — Github
Postman test cases
The list of API requests examples, it covers simple calls and more complex promo scenarios.
To run it on your account, you should provide your sandbox application keys in the environment and enable client-side operations in Project Settings (remember to whitelist the requests with *
in the client-side settings section).
To manage promotional activities on the frontend, consider using Voucherify open source web SDK – JS. Here is a couple of examples demonstrating its capabilities:
Figma Promo UI Kits
Looking for ready designs for the best promotions experience in your e-commerce store? Check out our 100% customizable UI kit with ready-to-use components based on the best practices for usability:
Updated 3 days ago