Loyalty Program
Learn how to use Voucherify API to build a loyalty program
Before you start
Read the loyalty program user guide to get an overview of this campaign type.
You can also check out the Voucherify Loyalties scenario Postman Collection.
To create a loyalty campaign, you need to:
- Track Custom Events in Voucherify,
- Synchronize Orders.
By synchronizing orders, you can use the Order Paid Earning Rule.
By tracking custom events, you can reward customers with points for custom actions.
Creating Rewards
In the Voucherify dashboard, go to the rewards catalog. There, you can add new rewards and see all the current rewards that are used throughout your campaigns. Voucherify offers the following reward options:
- Digital rewards - this can be a unique discount coupon or gift card credits,
- Material rewards - available only in referral and loyalty programs,
- Pay with points reward - available only in loyalty programs.
While creating a new loyalty campaign in the dashboard, you can use existing discount coupons and gift cards or you can create a new one when you create the campaign.
With the API, you can first create a reward object with a dedicated Create Reward endpoint. Then, you can assign the reward to a specific campaign with the Create Reward Assignment endpoint.
Create Loyalty Campaign
Loyalty campaigns consist of several key elements:
Earning Rules - earning rules define actions that customers must take to receive loyalty points and, as a result, redeem points for loyalty rewards. Using validation rules, you can extend each earning rule with metadata and additional constraints.
Rewards - the rewards catalog collects all rewards that your customers can exchange points for. To define your catalog, prepare rewards beforehand in the Rewards tab in the Voucherify dashboard, use the Create Reward API endpoint, or add new rewards on the spot while creating a loyalty campaign.
Tiers - with the tier functionality, you can create different membership levels in your loyalty program. Customers have two options for qualifying for a tier: points-based and time-based. Each tier has its rewards and earning rules mapping. It means that the same earning rules and rewards can be assigned to a different point value.
The first step is to create a loyalty campaign that defines the code structure, loyalty card assignment behavior, and name a few of the most important parameters.
Create Earning Rules
You can create eight types of earning rules in Voucherify based on:
- customer segments,
- paid orders,
- custom events that customers perform in your application or website,
- customer joining the loyalty tier structure,
- customer leaving the loyalty tier structure,
- customer's loyalty tier upgrade,
- customer's loyalty tier downgrade,
- customer's loyalty tier prolongation.
Here are some ideas of the earning rules that you can use in your loyalty campaigns:
- 100 points on the customer's birthday,
- 250 points after not making any orders in the last 365 days to encourage customers to make a purchase,
- 500 points for joining the Gold Loyalty Tier,
- 10 points for every $10 spent if your purchase is above $50,
- 5 points for every $1 spent on the new collection,
- 10 points for leaving a 5/5 star review.
Assigning Rewards
You can assign multiple rewards to a loyalty program by using the Create Reward Assignment API call.
You can create tiers during the campaign creation process in the dashboard or by using the Create Loyalty Tiers API call.
Customer Experience
The customer experience flow is based on the Loyalties Scenario Postman Collection.
- Assign Customers to a Loyalty Campaign
You can add customers manually in the Voucherify dashboard from a selected campaign view or with the Add Member API endpoint. Customers can also join loyalty program automatically after fulfilling any earning rule.
- Earn Points
Points can be earned in multiple ways. In the above-mentioned Loyalties Scenario, the customer is rewarded 10 points for every $10 spent. It is an order paid
event so it is necessary to create an order.
- Show the details of the program:
- Show Earning Rules - you can use the List Earing Rules API endpoint to display all available actions that will reward customers with points.
- Show Rewards - when it comes to displaying rewards, you can either show all available rewards, or only the currently affordable rewards.
- Show Tiers - using the List Member's Loyalty Tiers API endpoint, you can inform your customer about tier(s) they are currently in. Another possibility is to List Loyalty Tiers from a given campaign.
- Paying with Points - if the
pay with points
reward is active in the loyalty program, you can use the Redeem Reward API endpoint to specify how many points are going to be used. - Reedeming Points for Rewards - you can use the Redeem Reward API endpoint to spend loyalty points on different rewards available in the loyalty program.
Updated 2 days ago